Current prices: The price of gold 2689.98 USD/oz   Price of silver 30.407 USD/oz  

Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle series

A very successful series of silver investment coins from the Australian Perth Mint. The Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle coins were launched in 2014. A new original design is created for each year. The author of the reverse side is a legend among engravers and medalists - John Mercanti.

John Mercantiserved in the US Mint in the highest position of chief engraver. He created a record number of coin and medal designs in his 36 years with the US Mint. In 2021, the prestigious Coin World magazine named him one of the most influential figures in the world of coinage.

One piece of his work is known to almost everyone. He designed the reverse side of the American Eagle silver investment coins - the motif of a heraldic eagle with 13 stars above its head. This motif was minted until mid-2021, when it was replaced by the new Type 2.

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